Réalpolitik et politique étrangère

Réalpolitik, politique étrangère américaine

_ ALLNER Michel et PORTIS Larry,  La politique étrangère des États-Unis depuis 1945. De la guerre à la mondialisation, Ellipses, Paris, 2000

_ ATLLEE PHILLIPS David, The night watch : Twenty five years of Peculiar Service, Atheneum, New York, 1977

_ BLECHMAN Barry et KAPLAN Stephen, Force without war : U.S armed forces as a political instrument, the Brookings Institution, Washington, 1978

_ CHOMSKY Noam, Les dessous de la politique de l’Oncle Sam, Éditions Écosociété, Éditions EPO, éditions Le Temps des Cerises, Montréal, 1996

_ CHOMSKY Noam et HERMAN Edward, The Washington connection and third world fascism, Haymarket Books, Boston, 1979

_ HERSH Seymour, The price of power : Kissinger in the Nixon White House, Summit books, London, 1983

_ KENNEDY Paul, The middle Beat, Teachers College Press, Columbia University, New York, 1965

_ KLARE Michael, War without end, Random House, New York, 1972

_ LANGGUTH Arthur J., Hidden terrors, Pantheon Books, New York, 1978

_ LERNOUX Penny, In banks we trust, Doubleday, New York, 1984

_ MARSHALL Jonathan, SCOTT Peter Dale, HUNTER Jame, The Iran-contras connection : Secret teams and covert operations in the reagan era, South end Press, Boston, 1987

_ MELVILLE Thomas et Marjorie, Guatemala, The politics of land ownership, The Free Press, New York, 1971

_ ROCKEFLLER BROTHER FUND, Prospect for America, The Rockefeller panel report, Doubleday & Cie, Deep Cover Books, New York, 1961

_ SCHLESINGER Jr. Arthur Meier, A thousand days, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1965

_ URQUHART Brian, Hammarskjold, Knopf, New York, 1972

_ WISE David et ROSS Thomas, Le gouvernement secret des Etats-Unis, traduction de Rolland Garrane, Cercle du Nouveau Livre d’Histoire, Rennes, 1965

_ WISE David, The politics of lying, Government deception, secrecy, and power, Random House / Vintage Books, New York, 1973

_ WIESEN COOK, Blanche, The declassified Eisenhower, Doubleday & Co, New York, 1981

_ White Paper Whitewash. Interviews with Philip Agee on the CIA and El Salvador, Edited by Warner Poelchau, New York, 1981

Théories politiques

_ CHOMSKY, Noam, Idéologie et pouvoir

_ _______________, Turning the Tide

_ _______________, Deterring Democracy,

_ _______________, Illusions nécessaires,

_ HARDT Michael et NEGRI Antonio, Empire, Exils, Paris, 2000

_ SCHLESINGER Jr. Arthur Meier, The Vital Center, the politics of Freedom, Sentry Edition, Boston, 1962

Politiques des États-Unis (les Présidents)

_ JOHNSON Lyndon B., Le temps de l’action, Introduction de Adlai E. Stevenson, Payot, collection Études et documents, Paris, 1964


_ AGEE Philip, Inside the Compagny, CIA diary, Viking, New York, 1975

_ COSCULLELA Manuel Hevia, Passaporte 11333 : Ocho Anos con la CIA,TAE, Montevideo, 1989

_ FRAZIER Howard, ed., Uncloacking the CIA, The Free Press / Macmillan, New York, 1978

_ FLETCHER PROUTY Leroy, The secret team : The CIA and its allies in control of the world, Englewood Cliffs, New York 1974

_ _______________, Conference on the Central Intelligence Agency and the World Peace held at Yale University on April, 5 1975

_ KWITNY Jonathan, The crimes of patriots : A true tale of dope, dirty money, and the CIA, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1987

_ MARCHETTI Victor Marchetti et MARKS John, La CIA et le culte du renseignement, traduction de Guy Durand, Robert Laffont, Paris, 1975

_ POWER Thomas, The man who kept the secrets : Richard Helms and the CIA, Pocket Books, New York, 1979

_ QUIRK John Patrick, The Central Intelligence Agency, A photographic History, Foreign Intelligence Press, Boston, 1986

_ WOODWARD Bob, CIA guerres secrètes 1981-1987, Stock, Paris, 1987

Amérique Latine et politique étrangère américaine

_ ABRAMOVICI Pierre, « Opération Condor, cauchemar de l’Amérique latine », Le Monde Diplomatique, mai 2001

_ BLACK George, The good neighbor : How the United States wrote the history of Central America and the Caribbean, Pantheon Books, New York, 1988

_ BLUM William, Les guerres scélérates, Les interventions de l’armée américaine et de la CIA depuis 1945, Parangon, Paris, 2004

_ DOYLE Kate, Guatemala Documentation Project

_ GERASSI John, The great fear  : The reconquest of Latin America by latin americans, McMillan & Cie New York, 1965

_ GOTT Richard, Rural guerillas in Latin America, Grande-Bretagne, 1973

_ HIRSCH Fred, An analysis of Our AFL-CIO Role in Latin America, San Jose, 1974

_ HABEL Janette, Nouvelle architecture militaire dans les Amériques, Le Monde Diplomatique, février 2002

_ KOHL James et LITT John, Urban guerrila warfare in Latin America, the MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachussetts, 1974

_ LAFEBER Walter, Innevitable revolution : The United States in Central America, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1993

_ LERNOUX Penny, Cry of the People : the struggle for human rights in Latin America – the catholic church in conflict with U.S policy, Penguin Books, London, 1982

_ PEARCE Jenny, Under the Eagle : U.S itervention in Central America and the Caribbean, Latin America Bureau, London, 1982

_ RAMONET Ignacio, « Bolivie », Le Monde Diplomatique, octobre 2003

_ WESCHLER Lawrence, A miracle, A universe : Settling accounts with torturers, Penguin books, New York, 1991


_ DUNKERLAY James, Rebellion in the Veins : Political struggle in Bolivia 1952-1982, Verso, London, 1984

_ _________________, Bolivia and coup d’etat, Latin America bureau, London, 1980

_ MALLOY James M. et THORN Richard, eds., Beyond the revolution : Bolivia since 1952, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1971

_ MITCHELL Christopher, The legacy of populism in Bolivia : The overthrow of Paz Estenssoro and the MNR, Washington, 1967

_ WHITEHEAD Lawrence, The United States and Bolivia : A case of neo-colonialism, Haslemere Group, London, 1969


_ BLACK Jan Knippers, United States penetration of Brazil, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1977

_ PARKER Phyllis R., Brazil and the quiet intervention, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1964

_ ROETT Rordan, ed., Brazil in the sixties, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, 1972

_ STEPAN Alfred, The military in politics : Changing patterns in Brazil, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1971


_ DINGES John et LANDAU Saul, Assassination on Embassy Row, Pantheon Books, London, 1981

_ DINGES John, Les années Condor, Comment Pinochet et ses alliés ont propagé le terrorisme sur trois continents, Édition La découverte, Paris, 2005

_ PETRAS James et MORLEY Morris H., How Allende Fell: Study in United States-Chilean Relations, Spokesman Books, London, 1974

_ SIGMUND Paul E., The Overthrow of Allende and the politics of Chile, 1964-1976, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1977

_ WOLPIN Miles, Cuban foreign policy and chilean politics, Lexington, Massachussets, 1972

_ « Ombres chiliennes, 1973 – 2003 », Libération 10 septembre 2003.

_ ABRAMOICZ Manuel, Opération Condor, un terrorisme international au service de la dictature chilienne

_ BRANDT Daniel, U.S Responsibility for teh Coup in Chile

_ Church Report, Covert action in Chile, 1963 – 1973

_ FILLENBAUM Ann-Eve, La connexion US

_ Hinchey Report, CIA activities in Chile

_ KORNBLUTH Peter, Chile Documentation Project

_ Report of CIA Chilian Task Force Activities, 15 september to 3 november 1970

Voir aussi le site du département d’État américain qui propose ses archives déclassées ainsi que celles de la CIA et du NSC sur le Chili.

Costa Rica

_ AMERINGER Charles D., Democracy in Costa Rica, Preager, New York et Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, California, 1982

_ ____________________, Dan Pepe, A political biography of José Figueres of Costa Rica, University of New Mexico Press, 1978

_ CONNELL-SMITH Gordon, The inter american system, Oxford University Press and Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1966

_ ______________________, The United States and Latin America : An historical analysis of inter-american relations, Heinemann Educational Books, London, 1974

République Dominicaine

_ BARNET Richard, intervention and revolution, The World Publishing Company, London, 1968

_ BARTLOW MARTIN John, Overtaken by events : The dominican crisis from the fall of Trujillo to the civil war, Doubleday & Cie, New York, 1966

_ DIEDERICH Bernard, Trujillo : The Death of the Goat, Maplewood, New York, 1990

_ KIPPER BLACK Jan, The Dominican Republic : Politics and development in an unsovereign state, Boston, 1986


_ AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, Guatemala, London, 1976

_ _______________________, Guatemala : A government program of political murder, London, 1981

_ BLACK George, Milton Jamail and Norma Stoltz Chinchilla, Garrison Guatemala, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1984

_ GALEANO Eduardo, Guatemala, pays occupé, traduction de Dominique Éluard, Maspero, Paris, 1969

_ IMMERMAN Richard H., The CIA in Guatemala : The foreign policy of intervention, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1982

_ JONAS Susanne, The battle for Guatemala : Rebels, death squads, and US power, Boulder, Westview Press, 1991

_ JONAS Susanne et TOBIS David, ed., Guatemala, Berckeley, California, 1974

_ McCANN Thomas P., An american Compagny, The tragedy of United Fruit, Crown Publishers, New York, 1976

_ MELVILLE Thomas et Marjorie, Guatemala – Another Vietnam?, Penguin Books Ltd, London, 1971

_ SCHLESINGER Stephen et KINZER Stephen, Bitter Fruit: The untold story of the american coup in Guatemala, Doubleday & Co, New York, 1982

_ TORIELLO Guillermo, La battala de Guatemala, Ediciones Cuardenos Americanos, Mexico, 1955


_ BLACK George, Triumph of the people : The sandinista revolution in Nicaragua, Zed Books London, 1981

_ REED Brody, Contra Terror in Nicaragua: Report of a Fact-finding Mission: September 1984-January 1985, South End Press, Boston, 1985

_ CHRISTIAN Shirley, Nicaragua : Revolution in family, Random House, New York, 1985

_ DIEDERICH Bernard Diederich, Somoza and the legacy of US Involvment in Central America, Maplewood, New York, 1989

_ MELROSE Dianna, Nicaragua: The threat of a good exemple, Oxfam, 1985

_ MORLEY Morris H., Washington, Somoza and the Sandinistas : State and regim in US policy toward Nicaragua 1969-1981, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994

_ ROBINSON William I., A faustian bargain : U.S Intervention in the nicaraguan elections and american foreign policy in the post-cold war era, Westview Press, Colorado, 1992

_ SKLAR Holly, Washington’s war on Nicaragua, South End Press, Boston, 1988

_ ROSSET Peter et VANDERMEER John eds., The Nicaragua Rreader : documents of a revolution under fire, New York, 1983


_ BUCKLEY Kevin, Panama, the whole story, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1991

_ DINGES John, Our Man in Panama: How General Noriega Used the United States-And Made Millions in Drugs and Arms, Random House Inc., New York, 1991


_ ARMQTRONG Robert et SHENK Jenet, El Salvador : the face of the revolution, South End Press, London, 1982

_ BONNER Raymond, Weakness and deceit : Us policy and El Salvador, Times Books, New York, 1984

_ DUNKERLEY James, The long war : Dictatorship and revolution in El Salvador, Verso, London, 1982

_ McCLINTOCK Michael, The american connection : state terror and popular resistance in El Salvador, Zed Books, London, 1985

_ NORTH Liisa, Bitter Grounds : Roots of revolt in El Salvador, Lawrence Hill Books, Toronto, 1981


_ DEBRAY Régis, Nous les Tupamaros, suivi de apprendre d’eux, Editions François Maspéro, Collection cahiers libres n° 226-227, Paris, 1972

_ LABROUSSE Alain, Les Tupamaros : Guerrillas urbaines en Uruguay, Le Seuil, Paris, 1970

_ WILSON Carlos, The Tupamaros : The unmentionable, Branden Publishing Co, Boston, 1974